
08 March 2012


We got Corinne a hamster for her birthday and I got to babysit it for a night. I picked it out cos it looked the prettiest but I got a shock when the pet store owner took it out of its display so that I could bring it home with me. It started SQUEAKING and made this really WEIRD NOISE. I was having second thoughts about it but the pet owner said it was probably just scared and had to give it some time for it to warm up to humans since it was just 2 months old.

I also saw a lop-ear bunny that was SO ADORABLE. But it was priced at $380 so yeah I couldn't afford it anyway. Not that I couldn't afford it but I should only keep one when I'm more settled down later on in my life.

J got very EXCITED when I told him I'm bringing Hammie back for the night so he literally came over after my classes to play with it. (He has never ever kept a pet before)


We played with it for almost an hour odd before it even decided to stop squeaking. Either it got tired of it or cos it was not so scared of us anymore.


I used to keep hamsters for a while during my primary school to secondary school days. We kept a male and female one and they gave birth to babies! I just got reminded that day by my brother that we used to name our hamsters Tony and Ashley cos of the game 'Backyard Soccer'. Kudos to you if you can still remember that game HAHA. I laughed so hard when I recalled it. I can't remember the names for the baby hamsters but I remember them all being really weird names that we came up with.

Some of the fun of keeping a pet must be to name it I think. I kept calling it Hammie hammie the entire night and then J suddenly commented something like "omg, look at it sitting there. (proceeds to do his laughter) it looks like a hamburger! I'm going to call it Hamburger" and me giving him the weird look.

Well, I guess the name stuck from that comment onwards.

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