
01 July 2011

Transformers: Dark of the Moon

The boy surprised me by getting premier tickets to the third edition of Transformers! It caught me a little out of the blue cos it was too sudden. I messaged him that IMAX tickets starting selling and he messaged me 2 minutes later and said he has booked the first show due to screen on 28 June. WHAT?? I was seriously shocked as it was a midnight movie on a Tuesday night and I had something important on the next day which I managed to put off.

This is me looking spastic trying to strike a fighting kungfu pose but someone was walking past that instant so I had to withdraw my hidden kungfu talents. I did take a photo with that spastic kungfu pose but it's seriously too retarded to post it up.

All items from BKK, Jeans from Nichi, Fur Boots from SMXUES for Steve Madden

A photo of us with someone's cheesy wide grin :D

Anyway it was a great first experience in the IMAX theatre and the effects were pretty amazing. However, I honestly think that if you haven't meddled with 3D effects prior, the effects would have almost been the same as a normal 3D film, probably only slightly sharper. You could really see the depth of the motion images but I suppose Michael Bay didn't quite cater the film to be in IMAX. Don't get me wrong, the effects were awesome, as is for every other transformers edition. I'm saying the film would probably have been great even if it was in digital. And for the price that you're paying for IMAX..., probably not worth it, but it was an experience nevertheless. I'm seriously DYING to watch the behind-the-scenes for Transformers. Why hasn't it aired at all?

Jesse doubts there will be a sequel to the Transformers Edition as an important character has died in the film. Shan't name who so as not to spoil it for those who haven't caught it yet, but it's quite obvious isn't it?

Of all the wonderful things to be excited about, I was pretty excited about this new addition.

Seriously, how HOT can Rosie Huntington Whiteley be? I never knew what her name was to be honest, but I could always recognize her face from the models of Victoria Secrets. and how could you look past that perfectly pursed lips of hers? 100 times better than Megan Fox!

Too gorgeous for words.


C said...

BRING BACK MEGHANNNNNNNN. not because I think either is hotter but because Meghan and Transformers is synonymous.

Amelia K said...

But she looks like a TRANNY!! haha.