
07 April 2012

The Best Friend that I escaped from

When I was young, I had a best friend with whom I would spend most of my days with. We would go shopping together, have meals together and share our laughter with. Everyone saw us like we were two peas in a pod. When they thought of one of us, they asked about the other. It was only until one day that I started to realize, that everything about our friendship started becoming just about her. Her crazy day in secondary school life, her new bought dress, her newly acquired Nokia phone, her super pretty Neoprints, the size of her Neoprint stash, her boyfriend etc. I think the worst was her talking about her boyfriend. I wasn't against it cos I thought he was a really nice guy and we were also somewhat mutual friends and were pretty close. It only started becoming not okay when everything started becoming about him. Him this Him that, it really annoyed the hell out of me.

So what I did was to just stop being best friends with her. Not entirely, but we just hung out less. I thought that was a healthier way to lead my life. We just went our own separate ways after that and sorta became Hi bye friends. I needed to get away because I felt like she was just using me as someone she could show off to or perhaps to constantly boost her self confidence and it's just crazily unhealthy for us. I honestly didn't wanna sit around and listen about her life all the time even though I was really quite a good listener for her. I generally am only good listeners to people I truly care about. She needs to know that the word 'sharing between friends' doesn't mean 'sharing about yourself'. It means a mutual sharing between two people with an exchange of conversations.

True story.

I guess some people just have different tolerance as to how much self-indulgence they can take out of their friends. lol. Everytime I feel like I'm being put in such a situation, I will secretly kick myself or pinch myself or at times just completely shut off my brain system. Honestly dude, no one really wants to hear all your crap sometimes. As with couples who text each other on facebook walls, please stop. They give all of us goosebumps and something to bitch about. I mean c'mon, why do you have to text each other especially when you're sitting NEXT to each other? There is something called whatsapp chat or Fb chat.

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