
14 September 2011

Girls Night Out

After a long hiatus to clubbing, we finally went out to have some fun. I probably still think I'm too old for clubbing, like I get tired after a while and all I wanna do is sit at the bar and drink beer all night long -_- It was quite a night of drama.

1. My Samsung randomly fell on the floor and my lens could no longer retract back into the camera body. I was so sad cos I wanted to take it out and test out its night function ): I'm gonna get it repaired this friday. Remind myself to bring its adaptor along since I have been quite forgetful these few days... Highly unlikely of me.

2. When I got to the club, I can't believe I have forgotten to bring my ID and it was still left at home in my cotton pad box. I kept it there because my mom has this thing about me keeping my important stuff in places hard to find for our part-time maid. Oh well, how typically weird of me.

I was quite annoyed because the bouncers refused to let me in, saying I MIGHT BE BELOW 18. Like hello? Do I seriously look below 18 to you -_-

Okay, looking young is supposed to be a good thing I guess.

The girls!

Powerstation was so boring at first.. The crowd wasn't moving and they were just standing around and looking at people with flashing laser lights doing their light moves and stunts. It was so weird.. It got much better a while after we got into the dance floor ourselves and later on in the night, it got too PACKED. We went up to the podium to dance because there were random weird guys surrounding us and the podium was the safest spot (haha). I really didn't wanna come down because it would mean fighting space with the crowd and I honestly don't like crowds cos I suffer from minor claustrophobia. Not many people know that about me but they just know that I complain alot when there are too many people around me.

I get that sometimes too when I'm stuck in a lift with too many people, like I find it hard to breathe. And when it comes to sleeping, I have to sleep at a corner and face the wall to sleep. I can never sleep in between two people because I will get up and rather sleep on the couch or on the floor.

Coming back to the topic of clubbing, guess it was a fun night out. A rarity since we're all so busy these days anyway.

Some guy got so drunk that he concussed on the floor and everyone were stepping OVER his body. An ambulance was called for him and his shoes were lying 5 meters from where he was. Corinne wanted to be a kind soul and return him his shoes but there could probably be puke on it so we refused to let her. haha.

Visiting the TCM tomorrow and hopefully getting some positive feedback.

I'm also thinking of purchasing a new Nikon lens. 50mm AF-S 1.8G. Shall settle for that since the 1.4G is so friggin expensive! ): Courts is selling the lens at $230. I honestly do not know if this is considered as a good deal or not but the guy on Clubsnap is charging me $280 for the same pair of lens and it being second-hand.  Think I might just get it at $230.

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