
09 September 2011

Cass' Birthday


We celebrated Cass' birthday a month ago. It was a good night of good barbeque food and crazy gambling. She had a 'Happy Colours' theme and anyone who didn't come in colors that make her happy has to do a forfeit!

There was a lot of meat to go around. We went really early so kinda stuffed ourselves waiting for the rest to arrive...


A really yummy mushroom and Darrell at the BBQ pit, looking very serious.

The boys. I don't have a picture of the girls cos either Ivan or Darrell is hogging them and not uploading them. I shouldn't be complaining because the amount of time I take to get down to uploading photos to FB is also terrible. Oops.

Josh came late and he brought a flashing colored light saber. It was super fun to play with!

It was a fun night, though slightly dramatic at the mahjong table. Should have taken a photo of the house. There were 3 mahjong tables for people to play at and a poker table. We always term her house as the 'gambling den' and for a good reason. I love mahjong!

Sorry if the photos are super hazy. My Samsung really sucks under low light conditions.
On another note, I went to dye my hair and give it a cut to trim it down in terms of thickness. Have been wanting to go do it so badly because my hair has been really unmanageable these few days and my black roots are so obvious it was disastrous. I'm only bothered by my roots when they become really bad. I dyed it in the same color and I'm starting to think I can't live without light-colored hair anymore.

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