
31 January 2012

Updates on my life

I turned 24 on the 28th of January and just so happened that my birthday falls during CNY. (It always happens) Not really certain if I acknowledge it as a good thing or a bad thing. More updates on that and more pictures of my birthday in another post (:

Right now, I just really wanted to blog about my life thus far. January has really been a good month for me. I can't quite believe that one month ago, I was still in Korea and Shanghai having the time of my life and racking my brains to try and stuff all my clothes back home. (Speaking of which, I have yet to blog about Shanghai but I will get to it soon!) I'm looking forward to February because of special occasions namely, Valentines <3, J's birthday and our anniversary. I have no idea what we are going to do on the day itself but I'm pretty sure with all that extravagance during Christmas itself, it will be good to just have a nice chillax dinner.

Baby, thanks for being such a great host on my birthday. xoxo

On Monday, I was carrying an angpao full of money so as to deposit the cash into my bank. It was kinda scary that I'm carrying so much cash on myself. Hope everyone won big big bucks on CNY! So far, I've been winning in MJ except for this random one which I'm forced to take over and I had to pay for the losses cos I think during the entire round, my dad, mom, aunts, jesse and I were playing cos we were taking turns entertaining the guests at home. Helped Jesse to recoup almost $150 at 2 rounds of blackjack which was exhilarating! Everyone got scared and ran away haha. I <3 CNY. It's the only time where everyone gambles for the fun of it. (:

Cloud gate is coming to Singapore once again. Guess who's the lucky one being the ALO for them?

On being friends - J once said that the relationships boys have with each other as friends (with respect to him) is very different from us girls. He says we only know how to compare about each other's life instead of exchanging our life stories and being great listeners. An example of comparing will be when Girl A tells Girl B, "I just came back from (inserts country)! It is so amazing! etc etc." and Girl B goes, "Oh, I went to (inserts country) too! I did this and did that and it was super fun!" I guess when you 'exchange', you are generally more genuinely interested in what the other party was doing, and feel happy for the other party for having such great fun even if you feel slightly jealous rather than trying to 'compare' and see who had the most fun which is honestly, quite a turn off for me.

I told him not all girls are like that. Well, some are obviously so but there will always be the ones that are non-judgemental, the ones that you rant to because you know they will listen. Many a times I think we just need someone to hear us out and say something comforting (which my dearest is very bad at. TSK) BUT. thanks for being such a great friend to my friends too. I know I whine jokingly about how you are better to them than to me but NEVERTHELESS, I really appreciate your unselfish self.

Last but not least, my room has never been neater! HAHA. Hope it lasts for a while...

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