
04 January 2012


So, I had my first surgical experience. It seriously felt very surreal and I'm very glad that it's all over now. Still gotta pay a visit to the hospital on Friday to unwrap my bandage and to receive GOOD news from the report. (cross fingers)

They made me change into this surgical outfit - the blue one and I had to wear a hideous plastic cap. I had to sleep on the bed in the ward and whilst being pushed into the theatre, I could feel my mom's footsteps behind me and everyone looking at me from above as I passed by the waiting area. In the theatre itself, there was basically like a 'waiting' area where patients who had just did their operation were 'waiting' in their beds there and there was a nurse checking their pulse.

Before long, I was pushed again into the main operating theatre. You can tell cos you will see that HUMONGOUS light above your head. I was made to transfer myself onto a hard operating theatre bed and then the nurses started clipping to loads of random stuff. I told my anesthetist that I hate needles so she very kindly made me unconscious first by making use of the gas mask first before using any form of needles on me. I had to breathe in this gas that was slightly uncomfortable but before long, I could feel my ears ringing and I can't remember a single thing after that.

When I woke up, someone was asking me to move my toes haha. I could feel a sharp pain in my right hand too cos of the needle. When I was being pushed back into the ward, I could vividly remember that I wanted to puke very badly but thank god I slept it off.

After being discharged, I wanted to puke the entire night as well but nothing came out. It was a super uncomfortable feeling. ):

I can still feel throbbing pain at my wound so I'm using painkillers to subside the pain. Can't lift up my left arm cos of the wound and I was so afraid to bathe for fear of damaging the wound. Can't wait till friday to take off the bandage because it's starting to feel damn itchy now. urgh.

After the surgery and looking sick as hell, but my mom still wanted to take a photo of me.

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