
28 September 2014

Not hiding

It's funny how, when people start talking to me for real, then they realised how objective a person I am. or how my thoughts have my future in store and they start to understand or recognise what I mean by, "I know what the hell I'm doing".

To some people,
it may seem like mistakes. Things to regret over. I beg to differ.
I don't believe in mistakes in general. Sometimes, the mistakes are there for you to make so that you can learn otherwise from it. It makes you a better person. It makes you realise facts that you probably wouldn't have realised before.

I do not have any problems telling you about my weaknesses or admitting to the fact that I suck at certain things or am wrong about some issues. I apologise if I'm in the wrong. People should learn how to apologise. But who am I to impose such thinking on the general masses right?

I guess that's why I have a problem engaging w people who cannot let go and learn to embrace their weaknesses. With people who find a constant need to hide who they truly are. I find beauty in vulnerability. Accepting the fact that you are vulnerable in certain aspects does not make you weak.

In fact, it makes you strong.
It makes people adore you.

It makes me love you for it.

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