
27 June 2012

Packing Sydney in my Luggage

I decided to do a very impromptu post since I am currently unpacking my suitcase from my Sydney trip. So, if you know me in the events world, you will know that I have a weird hobby of packing stuff. Must say that I've been complimented on my packing skills quite a fair bit and even I'm sometimes impressed at how great I can pack many things into one tiny space or literally, one toyogo box since that's always what we pack with during event days.

Here to give you some tips on how to pack loads of stuff into one tiny space! Although I'm not exactly the best at packing FOR the trip because I usually throw in a lot of extra things. You'll know why if you keep reading on. For my trip to Sydney this time, I seriously only brought 5 pieces of clothing articles. Got slightly antsy on the 3rd day as I haven't really bought anything much to wear for the next few days without looking like I'm wearing the same few things for the rest of my stay in Sydney. Totally wrong about that. I went crazy and possibly bought the whole of Sydney -_-

This is my dad's medium-sized luggage. Okay, honestly, I'm not sure if it's the medium-sized luggage or a compact sized one so I googled it HERE. Seems like mine is the compact sized one. It's not the large one as I'm worried it will be difficult to transport around especially when taking buses and flights on my own. (I travelled to and fro alone) Look at how much I could stuff in it! 

The suitcase is divided into two compartments and I'm actually quite thankful that you could zip up one side of the luggage. Makes things more organized this way when you're packing since it will not spill over to the other side.

The width of the clothes you see in the picture above is about 3/4 of the length and 1/2 the width. I could fit 10 pieces of clothing articles in that space LOL. What you do is you basically fold and you compress everything as you go along. I did not even make use of the air compressing sheets! I find that those are more suitable for packing winter wear, where it's hard to get the air in between the folds out of the coat before putting it in the luggage.

Above is how much I managed to stuff into half of the luggage. There is possibly about 20 pieces of clothing in there, 3 pairs of shoes, 2 clutches and some accessories including the real chunky ones. Not all of them are newly bought in Sydney, but most of them are. Some I did bring over but did not get to wear them. The booties were bought from Shanghai so those didn't originate from Sydney :D Brought them along just in case of a fancy meal that Ivan wanted to plan.

These are what I managed to place in the other half, which actually isn't a lot as I had to work with a bulging surface from the other half of the luggage. Managed to fit in another pair of shoes, some pretty shopping bags I brought back (haha), brochures and all. The rest of the brochures and magazines are kept in my bag when I went on board the plane. I also needed the purple bag to put all my make up stuff, eyelash curler and all that jazz. Black and pink bag to place my extra lenses and saline water. The green bag is to place all my wash stuff like my toner, shampoo, conditioner and all. I must say that despite the color of the bag, it's been one of the handiest washbag I've had for travelling! I'm amazed at how much that bag can fit actually.The agnes b bag is actually to place my scissors and nail clippers and all that. I always bring a scissors with me on my trips because they have proven very useful.

*Okay, I realise after reading it the next day that I didn't exactly give any tips at all! Sorry.. was kinda blogging whilst half asleep.


1. Lay your shoes in the best possible space-saving manner as possible and stuff your lingerie or smaller stuff like accessories or such in between the nooks and cranny of your shoes. (only manage to do that cos the shoes that I bought were brand new so I didn't have to worry about it being dirty or somethin)

2. Fold your dresses and tops and shelf them in vertically depending on the depth of your luggage space

3. Sometimes, some luggage has uneven spaces where you can stuff tiny stuff like sweets and such in.

Another tip is to make sure that you have sufficient baggage weight on your flight home. Despite stuffing it to the brim, this luggage only weighed 17kg and I topped up my baggage weight to 25kg before I flew off. Managed to check in my carry-on luggage as well. I used my carry-on to place all my food items as well as porcelain fragile items. Took all the fragile items out before I checked in the luggage as well.

How much can you stuff into your luggage space? (:

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